espiritismo mundial

quarta-feira, 18 de junho de 2014


Numerous thinkers and religious leaders propagarm their ideas, but Jesus is diferente.O DIVINE MESSIAH is the very lesson of love in the ways of life

  Teaches honesty,
but with kindness

Exalts AFE
but with work
Proclaims forgiveness,
but without arrogance

Stresses justice
but with mercy.

Calls will humility,
but without subservencia.

Affirms the understanding,
but with discernment.

Brings out charity.
but without pride

Announces the firmness,
but with tolerance.

exalts resignation
but without conformism.

   The forerunners of Christ, and those who came despois, sowing Feedback from the spiritual world, let treaties and codes to be met.
  Jesus put anything ordered, lived and taught the lessons summarized the script of light in unforgettable exhortation: Love one another as I have loved you

  andré luiz

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