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- THE SPIRITS 'BOOK - The Mediums' Book - The Gospel According to Spiritism - HEAVEN AND HELL - GENESIS |
the imperfections of others, forgiveness of offenses. (LE 886)
"Spirits announce that they have reached the age marked by Providence for a universal manifestation and that they are God's ministers and agents of his will, whose mission is to instruct and enlighten men, opening a new era for the regeneration of mankind. "Allan Kardec (The Spirits' Book - Prolegomena)
What is
- Spirit Movement is the set of activities that aim to study, promote and practice the Doctrine contained in the basic works of Allan Kardec, putting them within reach of all humanity and service.
- The activities that comprise the Spiritist Movement are made by people, alone or together, and Spiritist Institutions.
- The Spiritist Institutions comprise:
- Groups, Centers, or Spiritist Societies that develop general activities of study, practice and dissemination of the Spiritist Doctrine and can be small, medium or large;
- The Federations, who develop the activities of union of the Spiritist Institutions and the unification of the Spiritist Movement;
- Specialized Entities, which develop specific spiritist activities, such as social assistance and promotion and doctrinal dissemination;
- The Small Group Study of Spiritualism, mainly focused on the initial study of the Spiritist Doctrine.
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Influence of Spiritualism in Progress
798. Spiritualism will become common belief, or will be shared, as belief, only a few people?"It will certainly become general belief, and mark a new era in human history, because the nature and the time came for it to be ranked among human knowledge. It will however, have to support great fights, against more interest than against conviction, because there is no way to conceal the existence of people interested in fighting it, some from self-esteem, others from worldly causes. However, as will getting insulated, its opponents will feel forced to think like the others, lest they become ridiculous. " (The Book of Spirits - Part 3 - Chapter VIII) |
"These groups correspond to each other, by visiting, exchanging observations can already now form the nucleus of the great spiritualist family, one day consorciará all opinions and unite men by a single feeling: of brotherhood, bringing the imprint of Christian charity "Allan Kardec (The Book of Mediums -. chapter XXIX - item 334).
What are
Groups, Centers, or Spiritist Societies:
- are centers of study, fellowship, prayer and work, practiced within the Spiritist principles;
- Schools of spiritual and moral education, operating according to the Spiritist Doctrine;
- Posts of fraternal care for all who seek them for the purpose of guidance, enlightenment, help or consolation;
- are workshops that provide participants opportunities to exercise their inner growth through the practice of the Gospel in their activities;
- Places where children, youth, adults and seniors have the opportunity to live, study and work, uniting the family under the guidance of Spiritualism;
- Retreats of peace, offering participants opportunities to remake the spiritual and fraternal union through the practice of "Love one another";
- nuclei are characterized by the simplicity of the first houses of the rising Christianity, the practice of charity and the total absence of images, symbols, rituals, or other outward manifestations;
- are the fundamental units of the Spiritist Movement.
Their goals
Groups, Centers, or Spiritist Societies aim to:
- promote the study, dissemination and practice of Spiritism, meeting people:
- seek enlightenment, guidance and help for their spiritual, moral and material problems;
- who want to know and study the Doctrine;
- who want to work, collaborate and serve in any field of action the Spiritist practice offers.
Its basic activities
Groups, Centers, or Spiritist Societies have the basic activities:
- conduct meetings for the study of the Spiritist Doctrine, programmatically, methodical, and systematic, open to individuals of all ages and from all cultural and social levels, enabling a comprehensive and thorough knowledge of Spiritualism in all its aspects;
- hold meetings for the explanation of the Gospel according to the Spiritist Doctrine, application passes and fraternal assistance through dialogue, for people who seek and the Spiritist Centers in search of enlightenment, guidance, help and spiritual and moral assistance;
- conduct meetings for study, education and practice of mediumship based on Spiritist principles and objectives, enlightening, guiding and preparing individuals for mediumship activities;
- hold meetings for the Spiritist evangelization children and young people, on a scheduled basis, methodical, and systematic, assisting, explaining, and guiding them within the teachings of the Spiritist Doctrine;
- perform the work of dissemination of the Spiritist Doctrine by all vehicles and media compatible with the Spiritist principles, such as lectures, conferences, books, newspapers, magazines, newsletters, brochures, messages, radio, TV, posters, ribbons video and audio;
- perform the service of assistance and spiritualist social promotion for needy people seeking help material: watching them with their most pressing needs; promoting them through courses and work of professional and personal development; and enlightening them with the moral teachings of the Gospel according to the Spiritist Doctrine;
- stimulate and guide their patrons for the implementation and maintenance of study meeting the Gospel at home,as support for the spiritual harmony of their families;
- participate in activities that aim the union of spiritualists and Spiritist Institutions and unification of the Spiritist Movement by joining efforts, adding experiences, mutual help and support, improving spiritist activities and strengthening the action of spiritualists;
- perform the administrative tasks necessary for the normal operation, consistent with its organizational structure and the laws of your country.
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"Spiritualism is a fundamental question; attach to the form would be folly unworthy of the greatness of the subject. Hence the centers that they fully understand true Spiritism should reach out to each other, fraternally, and unite to fight the common enemies. Unbelief and fanaticism "
Allan Kardec (Posthumous Works - Construction of Spiritualism - Item VI)
What is
- Federal and unification of the Spiritist Movement is working through an activity-which aims to strengthen, facilitate, extend and enhance the action of the Spiritist Movement in its core business, which is to promote the study, dissemination and practice of Spiritism .
- Stems from the voluntary, conscious and operating fellowship, solidarity, the spiritualists and the Spiritist Institutions, through exchange of information and experiences, mutual help and work together.
- It is essential for the strengthening, improvement and growth of Spiritist Institutions and to correct any deviations from proper doctrinal and administrative practice.
What holds
- Performs a permanent contact with Groups, Centers, or Spiritist Societies, promoting its unity and integration and putting at their disposal, suggestions, experiences, jobs and support they need for their activities programs.
- Holds meetings, meetings, courses, gatherings and other events aimed at leaders and workers of Spiritist to renew and update doctrinal and administrative knowledge, aiming at improving and expanding the activities of Spiritist Institutions and opening up new fronts of action and work.
- It organizes events for the general public, for the dissemination of the Spiritist Doctrine so that Spiritualism is becoming better known and practiced.
How to structure
- It is built by the union of Groups, Centers, or Spiritist Societies, which preserves their autonomy and freedom of action, join forces and sum up experiences, aiming for continuous improvement and strengthening of its activities and the Spiritist Movement in general.
- Groups, Centers, or Spiritist Societies, uniting, constitute the Federations and Entities or unification of the Spiritist Movement at local, regional, state or national level.
- Entities and federal and unification of the Spiritist Movement at national level bodies constitute the body of unification of the Spiritist Movement at the international level, the International Spiritist Council.
Guidelines of federal labor and unification of the Spiritist Movement
- The federal and unification of the Spiritist Movement work as well as the union of spiritualists and Spiritist Institutions based on the principles of fraternity, solidarity, freedom and responsibility which the Doctrine advocates.
- It is characterized by offering compensation without requiring help without creating constraints, without imposing results and unite without inhibiting initiatives, preserving the values and the individual characteristics of both men and institutions.
- The integration and participation of Spiritist Institutions in and unification of the Spiritist Movement, always voluntary and conscious, are performed on equal terms without subordination, respecting and preserving the independence, autonomy and freedom of action they enjoy.
- Any program or material support available to the Spiritist Institutions are not obligatory, left to the discretion of adopt them or not, partially or completely, or adapt them to your own needs or conveniences.
- In all federation and unification of the Spiritist Movement activities should always be encouraged methodical, consistent and thorough study of the works of Allan Kardec, which constitute the Spiritist Codification, emphasizing the foundations on which the Doctrine is established.
- All work and unification of the Spiritist activities have as their major objective place, with simplicity and clarity, comforting and guiding message of Spiritism in range and the service of all, especially the most simple, through study, prayer and job.
- In all federation and unification of the Spiritist Movement activities should always be preserved, those who participate in them, the natural right to think, create and act which the Doctrine advocates, with the understanding, however, all work in the Encoding works of Kardec.
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Mission of Spiritualists
Go therefore and preach the divine word: to despise the great, the scholars who demand proof, small and easy to accept that; because, especially among the martyrs of the work, this earthly probation, encounter fervor and faith.
Arm yourself your phalanx of decision and courage! Get to work! the plow is ready waiting earth; arai! Go and give thanks to God the glorious task that He has entrusted to you; But attention! among those called to the Spiritism many go astray; so then, your path and follow the truth. Erastus (The Gospel According to Spiritism Mon - Chapter XX - item 4) |
. 1 The Statute of the International Spiritist Council notes:
- The International Spiritist Council (ISC) is the body resulting from the union, worldwide, Representative of the National Association of Spiritualists Movements.
- Are key aims and objectives of the ERC:
I - promote solidarity and fraternal union of the Spiritist Institutions of all countries and the unification of the world Spirit Movement;
II - promote the study and dissemination of the Spiritist Doctrine in its three basic aspects: scientific, philosophical and religious;
III - to promote the practice of spiritual charity, moral and material to the Spiritist Doctrine.
- The aims and objectives of the ERC are based upon the Spiritist Doctrine codified by Allan Kardec and the works that followed their guidelines, are complementary and subsidiary to it.
- Any software and supporting material offered by the ERC are not obligatory, left to the discretion of the Spiritualists Entities adopt them or not, partially or completely, or adapt them to your own needs or conveniences.
- The entities that comprise the CIS retain their autonomy, independence and freedom of action. Linking with the CEI is based and objective solidarity and fellowship.
2.'s Related activities in this document are presented as suggestions. The Spiritist Institutions in the use of his freedom, may perform them in that its development and growth create conditions for both their leaders and when considered appropriate.
3. Spiritist activities are always performed in a manner consistent with the characteristics of the social environment and the legislation of the country in which they operate.
3. Spiritist activities are always performed in a manner consistent with the characteristics of the social environment and the legislation of the country in which they operate.
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The Workers of the Lord
. "Do not come to destroy the Christian law, but to carry it out" As Christ said: "Do not come to destroy the Law but to fulfill it," also says Spiritualism teaches nothing contrary to what Christ taught; but develops complete and explains in clear terms and to everybody, what was said only in allegorical form. Come meet at the predicted time, what Christ said and prepare the realization of future things. It is therefore the work of Christ, who presides as the also announced the regeneration that operates and prepares the kingdom of God on earth.Allan Kardec (The Gospel According to Spiritism Mon - CHAPTER I - Item 7) |
In the work of unification
(Excerpts from the message "Unified" Psic FCXavier -. Reform, dez/1975) |
International Spiritist Council
Home page: http://www.spiritist.org/
Email: spiritist@spiritist.org
Email: spiritist@spiritist.org
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